Dec 28, 2018
This week on episode 207 of the We Like Drinking podcast we’ll be discussing Untappd Snobbery, Clues about Oskar Blues, and we CAN’t control ourselves, ‘cause we’ve got the inventor of the Crowler, Jeremy Rudolf! So crack open your beer, uncork that wine, and let’s get drinking.
Dec 21, 2018
This week on episode 206 of the We Like Drinking podcast we’ll be discussing James Bond’s drinking, Self Discovery, and I hope you’re not wearing white because we are drinking with Brut Force with Peter Stafford-Bow! So crack open your beer, uncork that wine, and let’s get drinking.
Dec 14, 2018
This week on episode 205 of the We Like Drinking podcast we’ll be discussing Podcast Reviews, Our Newest Patreon, and We’re ALL FIRED UP, ‘cause Stu Smith from Smith-Madrone Winery is in the house! So crack open your beer, uncork that wine, and let’s get drinking.
Dec 7, 2018
This week on episode 204 of the We Like Drinking podcast we’ll be discussing Reading our Wine Drinking Chakras, Listener Love, and We should have recorded this on a Monday night in our spandex singlets, ‘cause we’re drinking Nitro Beers! So crack open your beer, uncork that wine, and let’s get drinking.